Russian White Espresso


Full Recipe in Detail

Prepare a coffee drink with us perfect for any occasion – Russian White Espresso.

  • Espresso or 50 ml coffee brewed
  • Coffee syrup (self-made) *
  • Cream cream 30 %
  • 4-5 ice cubes

Prepare an old fashioned glass. Throw some ice cubes in it, add cream to the bottom, then pre-prepared coffee syrup. Complete the works by slowly pouring chilled espresso into ice cubes.


Put the pot on slow fire, put ¾ cups of sugar in it and wait for it to melt. Don’t mix, you can only shake the whole thing. When caramel gets an amber color, remove the pot from the fire, pour 150 ml of coffee brewed in French pressie and put it on fire again. Blend slowly until the ingredients come together. Transfer the syrup slightly into a separate dish. So prepared and put in a cool place, ready to use for 2-3 more months.


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